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  • Back Lunge
    • 3/6/23

    Back Lunge

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (challenging)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Back Lunge Setup:

    - Starting by standing on the left side of the Xformer at the back facing the back, turn the black handlebar in front of you up and to the left

    - Move forward until your toes are right in front of the turned out handlebar

    - Turn to your right, and with your right hand, pull the carriage in tucking your toes in back of the front carriage strap

    - Lower yourself down into a lunge holding the carriage by the front carriage strap with your right toes (setting your fingers on the handlebars if you need support)

    - Make sure your left knee is directly about the left ankle

    Back Lunge Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you begin to press your heel down into the floor to come up 95% so that you do not lock out your knees

    - Breathe in through your nose as you lower into the starting lunge position

    Important Notes:

    - Sit down and back when lunging downwards to keep the knees stacked over your ankle

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Black Widow
    • 2/15/23

    Black Widow

    Spring Load:

    - 5 white springs (light)

    - 1 grey spring (light-medium)

    - 1 grey and 1 white spring (medium)

    - 1 black spring (medium-heavy

    - 1 black and 1 white spring (heavy)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Praying Mantis Setup:

    - Kneeling on the carriage, your right knee should be on the second white line of the carriage and your left knee should be on the first white line of the carriage

    - The the handlebar to your left up and towards the direction you're facing

    - place your heel on the handlebar you turned out with you toes facing diagonally upwards

    - Then, grab the front carriage strap with your left hand and place your right palm down on the carriage right before the second carriage strap / hold the back carriage strap with your right hand

    Praying Mantis Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you begin to push your left heel against the black handle bar keeping your hips and shoulders square the whole time (pushing out 95% so that you do not lock out your knees)

    - Then, inhale through your nose as begin to bend the left knee to allow the carriage to move inwards towards the front platform (do not go all the way because you will lose tension)

    Important Notes:

    - Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

    - Keep your hips and shoulders square never learning into one side.

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Bungee Kick and Bungee Hamstring Curl
    • 2/4/23

    Bungee Kick and Bungee Hamstring Curl

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring and 1 grey or black spring (this is to keep the carriage from moving)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Bungee Kick Setup:

    - Start by placing the bungee through your left foot bringing it close to the heel

    - Then, crawl onto the carriage kneeling at the first white line

    - Come down onto your forearms with your palms facing down and making sure that your hips and shoulders are squared

    - Push down through your forearms to lift your face and chest away from the carriage

    - Then, lift your left leg upwards until it's at a 90 degree angle (your thigh is parallel to the floor) with your foot flat like the floor or ceiling

    Bungee Kick Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you begin to lift your left foot upwards slowly as high as you can (as if you were stamping the ceiling with your foot) without shifting your hips and shoulders

    - Then, breathe in through your nose as begin to lower your left leg slowly until your thigh is parallel to the floor at a 90 degree angle

    Bungee Hamstring Curl Setup:

    - In a Bungee Kick setup, lift your target leg's foot as high as you can and hold

    Bungee Hamstring Curl Execution:

    - Holding as high as you can so that there is tension, breathe in through your nose as you begin extending your leg outwards until the leg is straight

    - Then, exhale through your lips as you bring your heel (the back of your foot) towards your butt (keeping the target leg as high as you can the entire time you're moving to keep tension)

    Important Notes:

    - Do not tuck your chin into your chest

    - Do not arch your back by engaging your core (bringing your bellow button to your spin, tightening your stomach, flexing your abs, knitting your ribs together)

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared (not allowing weight to transfer to one side more than the other)

    - Do not allow your thigh to go too low because you will lose tension

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Carriage Lunge
    • 2/4/23

    Carriage Lunge

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white springs (challenging)

    - 1 white springs (standard)

    - 2 white springs (supportive modification)


    - Start by standing on the front platform

    - The target leg's foot will be on the carriage and the non-target leg's foot will be behind you on the platform

    - With your hands on your hip, behind your back, or in prayer position, begin lowering your body into a lunge position

    - Your target leg's knee should be stacked right over the ankle at a 90 degree angle

    - Your non-target leg should be straight with your toes down and heels raised


    - Begin pressing down through your target leg’s heel until you come up 95% of the way so you don’t lock out your knees as you exhale through your lips

    - Then, begin by lowering your body downwards until your target leg is at a 90 degree angle as your breathe in through your nose


    - You can use a stabilization bar or add a second white springs for support (a second white spring will aid in moving the carriage in faster, but remember to resist the speed of the carriage moving


    - Ski Jump: at your low lunge position, hinge forward with your arms at your sides and palms facing upwards. Then, begin pulsing your palms upwards and downwards

    - Back Kick: at your low lunge position begin bending the non-target leg's knee forward until it's underneath your hip as you exhale through your lips. Then, begin straightening the non-target leg back as in you inhale through your nose

    - Carriage Kick: at your low lunge position, begin pushing the carriage forward with your foot as you exhale. Then, slowly bring your carriage back until your knee is right above above your ankle as you inhale.

    Important Notes:

    - Keep your gaze forward

    - Chest is tall and proud

    - Do not use your non-target leg's toes to move the carriage inward. All the weight should only be in the target leg on the platform

    - You must continually press downwards with your heels until you at 95% of the way up to keep the leg working

    - You can position your arms like goal posts to balance out the weight and keep you a little more stable

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Donkey Kick
    • 2/16/23

    Donkey Kick

    Spring Load:

    - 5 white springs (light)

    - 1 grey spring (light-medium)

    - 1 grey and 1 white spring (medium)

    - 1 black spring (medium-heavy

    - 1 black and 1 white spring (heavy)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Donkey Kick Setup:

    - Kneeling on the carriage facing the back of the Xformer, turn the handlebar to your left up and outwards left

    - Keeping your right knee on the carriage, place your left heel on the curvature of the black handle bar aligning the rest of your foot with the handlebar outwards

    - Grab the carriage handlebars in line with your shoulders

    Donkey Kick Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you press your left heel against the handlebar to push the carriage forward 95% so that you do not lock out your knee and lose tension

    - Breathe in through your nose as you bend your left knee until it aligns with your left hip to bring the carriage back

    Important Notes:

    - Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared never learning into one side.

    - Do not push the carriage out with your arms

    - Do not dig your planted knee down and forward on the carriage

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Double Skater
    • 2/16/23

    Double Skater

    Spring Load:

    - 5 white springs (light)

    - 1 grey spring (light-medium)

    - 1 grey and 1 white spring (medium)

    - 1 black spring (medium-heavy

    - 1 black and 1 white spring (heavy)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Skater Setup:

    - With your left foot underneath the platform strap and your right foot underneath the carriage strap, slightly turn your toes outward and push the carriage out shoulder width apart

    - Slightly hinge forward and squat down and back to hold a squat position

    Skater Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you begin pushing through both your left and right foot against both the platform and carriage strap like you're attempting to perform a split.

    - Breathe in through your nose as you begin to bend both knees inward towards your shoulders

    Important Notes:

    - Do not bring the carriage in too close to the platform or you will lose tension

    - Keep your shoulders and hips squared

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Floor Lunge
    • 10/18/21

    Floor Lunge

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white springs (light)

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

    Floor Lunge Setup:

    - Start by standing on the right side of the Xformer

    - The right foot is on the floor and left foot is anchored in front of the back carriage strap

    - With your hands on your hip, behind your back, or in prayer position, begin lowering your body into a lunge position

    - Your right knee should be stacked right over the ankle at a 90 degree angle

    - Your left leg should be straight with your toes down and heels raised

    Floor Lunge Execution:

    - Exhaling through your lips, begin pressing down through your right heel to come up 95% so you don’t lock out your knees

    - Breathe in through your nose as you lower your body downwards until your right leg is at a 90 degree angle


    - You can turn the handle bar in front of you up and out to the side so that it’s right in front of you as support with your hands or fingertips

    Important Notes:

    - Keep your gaze forward

    - Chest is tall and proud

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Flying Donkey Kick
    • 2/15/23

    Flying Donkey Kick

    Spring Load:

    - 5 white springs (light)

    - 1 grey spring (light-medium)

    - 1 grey and 1 white spring (medium)

    - 1 black spring (medium-heavy

    - 1 black and 1 white spring (heavy)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Flying Donkey Kick Setup:

    - Kneeling on the carriage facing the back of the Xformer, turn the handlebar to your left up and outwards left

    - Keeping your right knee on the carriage, place your left heel on the curvature of the black handle bar aligning the rest of your foot with the handlebar outwards

    - Grab the carriage handlebars in line with your shoulders

    - Lift up onto your right toes and hover the right knee above the carriage

    Flying Donkey Kick Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you press your left heel against the handlebar to push the carriage forward 95% so that you do not lock out your knee and lose tension

    - Breathe in through your nose as you bend your left knee until it aligns with your left hip to bring the carriage back

    Important Notes:

    - Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared never learning into one side.

    - Do not push the carriage out with your arms

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Handle Bar Single Leg Hamstring Curl (in a bridge position)
    • 3/6/23

    Handle Bar Single Leg Hamstring Curl (in a bridge position)

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white spring (really challenging)

    - 1 white spring (challenging)

    - 2 white springs (standard)

    - 3 white springs (modification)

    Further modification: use both of your feet on the black handlebars

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Handle Bar Single Leg Hamstring Curl Setup:

    - Starting by sitting on the front end of the carriage facing the front, turn the black handlebars inward to face one another, bring your legs over the handlebars, scoot your butt forward, and then lay down holding the front edge of the carriage or the front carriage strap

    - Set the arch/heel of both feet onto each black handlebars and lift your hips upwards into a bridge position

    - Then, lift your right leg up towards the sky with your feet flat like the ceiling or toes pointing up

    Handle Bar Single Leg Hamstring Curl Execution:

    - Staying in a bridge position, exhale through your lips as you push the arch/heel of your left foot against the bar to move back 95% so that you do not lock your knees

    - Breathe in through your nose as you bend the left knee to bring the carriage forward about 90% inwards to not lose tension.

    Important Notes:

    - Relax your head and neck throughout the exercise

    Click here for >>> Xformer Anatomy

  • Kneeling Inner Thighs
    • 2/27/23

    Kneeling Inner Thighs

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white springs (challenging)

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (modification)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Kneeling Inner Thighs Setup:

    - Kneeling on top of the Xformer facing the right of the studio, place your left knee on the front platform and right knee on the carriage

    - Push the carriage out shoulder width part and hold

    Kneeling Inner Thighs Execution:

    - Breathe in through your nose as you start to separate the knees apart evenly as far as you can moving the carriage outwards

    - Exhale through your lips as you squeeze your inner thighs to bring the carriage in towards the front platform

    Important Notes:

    - Do not go out so far that you cannot come back in

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Laying Leg Press
    • 2/16/23

    Laying Leg Press

    Spring Load:

    - 5 white springs (light)

    - 1 grey spring (light-medium)

    - 1 grey and 1 white spring (medium)

    - 1 black spring (medium-heavy

    - 1 black and 1 white spring (heavy)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Laying Leg Press Setup:

    - On the carriage facing towards the front of the Xformer, turn the right black handlebar up and out to the right

    - Lay close to the edge on the carriage on your right side and scoot your butt down to the front of the carriage

    - Set your head on your bent right arm, hold the edge of the carriage with your left hand, and place your heel on the curvature of the black handlebar you turned out with your feet in line with the handlebar

    - Your bottom right leg is straight and stays hovered above the carriage and front platform as you execute the move

    Laying Leg Press Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you begin pushing the carriage out with your left heel against the black handlebars. Only push out 95% so that you do not lock out your knee and lose tension

    - Breathe in through your nose as you bend your left knee to bring the carriage in towards the front platform until your left knee is in line with your hip

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Platform Lunge
    • 10/18/21

    Platform Lunge

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white springs (challenging)

    - 1 white springs (standard)

    - 2 white springs (supportive modification)

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

    Platform Lunge Setup:

    - Start by standing on the front platform

    - The right foot will stay on the front platform and the left foot will be behind you on the first white line of the carriage

    - With your hands on your hip, behind your back, or in prayer position, begin lowering your body into a lunge position

    - Your right knee should be stacked right over the ankle at a 90 degree angle

    - Your left leg should be straight with your toes down and heels raised

    Platform Lunge Execution:

    - Breathe in through your nose as you begin lowering your body downwards until your right leg is at a 90 degree angle

    - Exhaling through your lips, push through your right heel to come up 95% so you don’t lock out your knees


    - You can use a stabilization bar or add a second white springs for support (a second white spring will aid in moving the carriage in faster, but remember to resist the speed of the carriage moving


    - Ski Jump: at your low lunge position, hinge forward with your arms at your sides and palms facing upwards. Then, begin pulsing your palms upwards and downwards

    - Back Kick: at your low lunge position, place your fingertips on each black handle bar and begin breathing in through your nose as you bend the left knee forward until it's underneath your left hip. Then, exhale through your lips as you begin straightening the left leg back

    - Platform Kick: at your low lunge position, breathe in through your nose as you begin pushing the carriage back moving your right knee back and away from the platform. Then, exhale through your lips as you bring the carriage forward by slowly bringing your right knee back above your ankle.

    Important Notes:

    - Keep your gaze forward

    - Chest is tall and proud

    - Do not use your left toes to move the carriage inward. All the weight should only be in the right leg on the platform

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Praying Mantis Modification
    • 2/4/23

    Praying Mantis Modification

    Spring Load:

    - 5 white springs (light)

    - 1 grey spring (light-medium)

    - 1 grey and 1 white spring (medium)

    - 1 black spring (medium-heavy

    - 1 black and 1 white spring (heavy)

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

    Praying Mantis MODIFICATION Setup:

    - Standing to the right of the carriage beside the 2nd white line, lift the black handle bar in front of you up and out to the right.

    - Place both your hands on the handlebar and then place your left heel into the closest eyelet/carriage pocket with your toes facing upwards and diagonal.

    - Begin pushing the carriage back with your hands against the handlebars and your heel against the eyelet while sitting down and back into a low lunge.

    - Your arms are straight against the handlebars, the left leg is straight holding the carriage back, and the right thigh is at a 90 degree angle. Make sure that your right knee is stacked over your right ankle. If your knee is past your ankle, take a step forward to adjust.

    Praying Mantis Execution:

    - Breathe in through your nose as you begin to bend your left knee until it's in line with your hip at a 90 degree angle

    - Exhale through your lips as you push the carriage back using your heel in the eyelet keeping your arms straight against the black handlebar

    Important Notes:

    - Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared never learning into one side.

    - Your arms remain straight with a slight bend in your elbow the whole time.

    - Do not lock out your joints because you will lose tension

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Reverse Single Leg Panther
    • 2/15/23

    Reverse Single Leg Panther

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white springs (challenging)

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (supportive)

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

    Reverse Single Leg Panther Setup:

    - Starting at the front of the Xformer, hold the side of the carriage where there are cut outs with your thumb on top and four fingers underneath.

    - Then, place your toes on the front platform with your legs and feet together

    - Push the carriage out into a push-up position and bring your left knee forward underneath your stomach to hold

    - Lift your hips to table top and slightly bend your elbows

    Reverse Single Leg Panther Execution:

    - Breathe in through your nose as you start to bend your right knee until it's underneath your hip while bringing your left leg back and straight to bring the carriage inwards towards the platform

    - Exhale through your lips as you straighten the right leg and bring the left knee underneath your the stomach

    Important Notes:

    - Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared never learning into one side.

    - Keep your hips in table top position (in line with your shoulders)

    - Your arms remain straight with a slight bend in your elbow the whole time.

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Side Kick
    • 3/6/23

    Side Kick

    Spring Load:

    - 5 white springs (light)

    - 1 grey spring (light-medium)

    - 1 grey and 1 white spring (medium)

    - 1 black spring (medium-heavy

    - 1 black and 1 white spring (heavy)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Side Kick Setup:

    - Standing in the front of the Xformer facing the right of the studio, place your right heel up against the front of the carriage with your toes point up and diagonal, hold the curvature of the black handle bar with your right hand, and the towel rack with your left hand getting low into a squat in the left leg

    - Square your shoulders and hips and then push the carriage out 95% to not lock out your knees

    Side Kick Execution:

    - Breathe in through your nose as you begin to bend your right knee bringing the carriage in towards the front platform (stopping 95% inwards)

    - Exhale through your lips as you push the carriage out using your heel against the front of the carriage

    Important Notes:

    - Try and maintain a low isometric squat in the left leg

    - Do not lock out your knees on your push

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Side Lunge
    • 3/8/23

    Side Lunge

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white springs (challenging)

    - 1 white springs (standard)

    - 2 white springs (modification)

    Side Lunge Setup:

    - Starting at the front of the Xformer facing the right of the studio, place your right foot on the carriage all the way forward and your left foot on the front platform all the way back

    - Lower your body down and out towards the right sitting down and back while keeping your left leg straight

    Side Lunge Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you begin pressing down through your right heel until you come up 95% of the way so you don’t lock out your knees

    - Breathe in through your nose as you lower your body down and out towards the right sitting down and back while keeping your left leg straight

    Important Notes:

    - Keep your gaze forward

    - Do not swing the carriage in too quickly. Take your time pressing down through your heels until you come up 95% of the way up to keep the leg working

    - You can position your arms like goal posts or airplane wings to balance out the weight and keep you a little more stable

    Click here for >>> Xformer Anatomy

  • Single Leg Panther
    • 3/6/23

    Single Leg Panther

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white springs (challenging)

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (supportive)

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

    Single Leg Panther Setup:

    - Hold the sides of the front platform with your thumbs on top and fingers underneath

    - Then, place your toes on the first white line of the carriage with your legs and feet together

    - Push the carriage out into a push-up position and bring your left knee forward underneath your stomach to hold

    - Lift your hips to table top and slightly bend your elbows

    Single Leg Panther Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you start to bend your right knee forward until it's underneath your hip while bringing your left leg back and straight to bring the carriage inwards towards the platform

    - Breathe in through your nose as you straighten the right leg and bring the left knee underneath your the stomach

    Important Notes:

    - Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared never learning into one side.

    - Keep your hips in table top position (in line with your shoulders)

    - Your arms remain straight with a slight bend in your elbow the whole time.

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Single Leg Squat
    • 3/6/23

    Single Leg Squat

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white springs (challenging)

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (modification)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Single Leg Squat Setup:

    - Starting at the front of the Xformer facing the right of the studio, your left foot is on the front platform moved all the way forward and your right foot is on the carriage moved all the way back

    - Lower downwards sitting down and back with your left knee stacked over your left ankle and right leg straight

    Single Leg Squat Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you push through your left heel to come up 95% so that you do not lock out your knees (keeping your right leg straight)

    - Breathe in through your nose as you lower downwards sitting down and back with your left knee stacked over your left ankle and right leg straight

    Important Notes:

    - Keep your knee behind your toes by sitting down and back like the black handlebar behind you is a chair

    - Use your fingertips on the black handlebar in front of you when needed for support

    Click here for >>> Xformer Anatomy

  • Skater
    • 3/6/23


    Spring Load:

    - 5 white springs (light)

    - 1 grey spring (light-medium)

    - 1 grey and 1 white spring (medium)

    - 1 black spring (medium-heavy

    - 1 black and 1 white spring (heavy)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Skating Setup:

    - Standing on top of the Xformer facing the right of the studio, place your left foot under the front platform strap and right foot under the front carriage strap (slightly turning out your toes)

    - Squat down, push the carriage out 95% with your right foot against the front carriage strap

    - Place your fingertips on the handlebar in front of you if you need support

    Skating Execution:

    - Breathe in through your nose as you begin to bend your right knee moving the carriage in towards the front platform about 80-85% to keep tension

    - Exhale through your lips as you push the carriage out with your right foot against the front carriage strap 95% to not lock out your knees

    Important Notes:

    - Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared never learning into one side.

    - If you use the black handlebar for support, use your fingers to avoid hunching over too low

    - Do not lock out your joints because you will lose tension

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Sprinter's Lunge
    • 2/4/23

    Sprinter's Lunge

    Spring Load:

    - 5 white springs (light)

    - 1 grey spring (medium)

    - 1 black spring (heavy)

    - 1 grey or black with 1 white (heavier)

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)


    - The right leg is on the front platform with your foot underneath the platform strap

    - The left foot is anchored against the front carriage strap or the front of the carriage

    - Place your fingers or hands on each black handle bar and begin lowering your body into a lunge position

    - Your right knee should be stacked right over the ankle at a 90 degree angle

    - Your left leg should be straight with your toes down and heels raised


    - Breathe in through your nose as you begin bending the left knee until it's underneath the left hip

    - Exhale through your lips as you use your left foot to push the carriage back about 95% so that you do not lock out your knees

    Important Notes:

    - Keep your gaze forward

    - Chest is tall and proud

    - If you're unable to move slowly, that is an indication that the spring load may be to heavy

    Anatomy of the Xformer Pilates machine: (link)

  • Squating Inner Thigh
    • 3/6/23

    Squating Inner Thigh

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white springs (challenging)

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (modification)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Squatting Inner Thighs Setup:

    - Standing on top of the Xformer facing the right of the studio, place your left foot under the front platform strap and right foot under the front carriage strap (slightly turning out your toes)

    - Sit down and back hinging from your hips forward getting into a squat position

    - Place your fingertips on the handlebar in front of you if you need support.

    Squatting Inner Thighs Execution:

    - Breathe in through your nose as you start to separate the knees apart evenly as far as you can moving the carriage outwards

    - Exhale through your lips as you press your heels down and squeeze your inner thighs to bring the carriage in towards the front platform

    Important Notes:

    - Do not go out so far that you cannot come back in

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared

    - Use airplane hands or goal post hands to help you stay stable if needed

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Super Single Leg Squat
    • 3/7/23

    Super Single Leg Squat

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (challenging)

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

    Single Leg Squat Setup:

    - Starting at the back of the Xformer standing on the back platform facing the right of the studio, pick up the blue cable underneath the black handlebar to pull the carriage in

    - Place your right foot on the back platform moved all the way forward and your left foot on the carriage moved all the way back

    - Holding the blue cable with one or two hands, lower downwards sitting down and back with your right knee stacked over your right ankle and left leg straight

    Single Leg Squat Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you push through your right heel to come up 95% so that you do not lock out your knees (keeping your left leg straight)

    - Breathe in through your nose as you lower downwards sitting down and back with your right knee stacked over your right ankle and left leg straight

    Important Notes:

    - Keep your knee behind your toes by sitting down and back like the black handlebar behind you is a chair

    - Use your blue cable as support to help you up

    Click here for >>> Xformer Anatomy

  • X-Lunge
    • 3/8/23


    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (challenging)

    Additional Challenges: only hold the blue cable opposite to your target leg OR use no blue cables which is the ultimate goal in this exercise

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Single Leg Squat Setup:

    - Starting at the back of the Xformer standing on the back platform facing the back of the studio, pick up both blue cables underneath the black handlebars to pull the carriage in

    - Place your left foot on the back platform and your right foot on the carriage behind the back carriage strap

    - Holding the blue cable with your hands, lower downwards sitting down and back with your left knee stacked over your leftt ankle and right leg straight

    Single Leg Squat Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you push through your left heel to come up 95% so that you do not lock out your knees (keeping your right leg straight)

    - Breathe in through your nose as you lower downwards sitting down and back with your left knee stacked over your left ankle and right leg straight

    Important Notes:

    - Keep your knee behind your toes by sitting down and back like the black handlebar behind you is a chair

    - Use your blue cable as support to help you up

    Click here for >>> Xformer Anatomy

  • Standing Inner Thighs
    • 2/27/23

    Standing Inner Thighs

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white springs (challenging)

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (modification)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Squatting Inner Thighs Setup:

    - Standing on top of the Xformer facing the right of the studio, place your left foot on the front platform and right foot on the carriage

    - Have a soft bend in your knees and push the carriage out shoulder width part and hold

    Squatting Inner Thighs Execution:

    - Breathe in through your nose as you start to separate the legs and knees apart evenly as far as you can moving the carriage outwards

    - Exhale through your lips as you press your heels down and squeeze your inner thighs to bring the carriage in towards the front platform

    Important Notes:

    - Do not go out so far that you cannot come back in

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared

    - Use airplane hands or goal post hands to help you stay stable if needed

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Standing Outer Thighs
    • 2/16/23

    Standing Outer Thighs

    Spring Load:

    - 5 white springs (light)

    - 1 grey spring (light-medium)

    - 1 grey and 1 white spring (medium)

    - 1 black spring (medium-heavy

    - 1 black and 1 white spring (heavy)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Standing Outer Thigh Setup:

    - With your left foot underneath the platform strap and your right foot underneath the carriage strap, slightly turn your toes outward with a slight bend in your knees and push the carriage out shoulder width apart to hold

    Standing Outer Thigh Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you begin pushing the carriage out with your left and right foot at the same time against the front platform and carriage strap like your attempting a split

    - You'll hinge from your hips forward as you push the carriage outwards

    - Breathe in through your nose as you bring the carriage in towards the front platform hinging upwards from the hip

    Important Notes:

    - Do not bring the carriage in so close to the front platform that you lose tension

    - Using airplane hands may help you go out further and lower

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Sumo Squats
    • 3/6/23

    Sumo Squats

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white springs (challenging)

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (modification)

    (The below is if the target oblique was the LEFT oblique)

    Sumo Squats Setup:

    - Starting at the front of the Xformer facing the right of the studio, place your left foot under the front platform strap and place your right foot under the front carriage strap

    - Then, slightly turn your toes outward and push the carriage out until your knees are shoulder width apart or further

    - Sit down and back until your thighs are flat like the floor

    Sumo Squats Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you push through both of your heels to come up 95% so that you do not lock your knees (keeping the carriage from moving)

    - Breathe in through your nose as you sit down and back until your thighs are flat like the floor

    Important Notes:

    - If you need a little help, push the bottom knee down and in as you lift your left oblique

    - Keep your whole forearm down on the platform never dumping weight into your elbow

    - Follow your hand that lowers under your left oblique with your eyes and your head

    Click here for >>> Xformer Anatomy

  • Super Hamstring Curl
    • 3/6/23

    Super Hamstring Curl

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (challenging)

    Super Hamstring Curl Setup:

    - Starting by sitting at the back platform facing the front, pull the carriage in and tuck your heels against the front the back carriage strap keeping your feet flat down

    - Scoot forward and down to set your head and shoulders onto the back platform holding each black handlebar with each hand

    - Lift your hips up to a bridge position

    Super Hamstring Curl Execution:

    - Keeping your hips raised in bridge position, breathe in through your nose extend your legs forward while keeping your feet down onto the carriage

    - Keeping your hips raised in bridge position, exhale through your lips as you push down your heels against the back carriage strap and use your hamstrings to pull the carriage into the starting position

    Important Notes:

    - Keep a soft bend in your elbows

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Super Kneeling Inner Thighs
    • 2/13/23

    Super Kneeling Inner Thighs

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (challenging)

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

    Super Kneeling Inner Thighs Setup:

    - Starting at the back of the Xformer in the well pull the carriage in with your left hand

    - Tuck your right knee on the outside of the back platform strap and your left knee on the outside of the back carriage strap

    - Squeeze your inner thighs to bring your legs together keeping the carriage an inch away from the back platform as the starting point

    Super Kneeling Inner Thighs Execution:

    - Breathe in through your nose as you allow the knees to separate and the carriage move outwards

    - Exhale through your lips as you squeeze your inner thighs to bring your legs together without touching the carriage and back platform together

    Important Notes:

    - Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look forward.

    - You can lift and turn the black handle bar out to the right as support with your fingers

    - Do not go out so far that it's difficult to bring the carriage back in

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Super Lunge
    • 3/6/23

    Super Lunge

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (challenging)

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

    Super Lunge Setup:

    - Starting by standing at the back platform facing the front, pick up both blue cables located underneath the black handlebars

    - Make sure the blue cables are on the outside of the black handlebars and pull the carriage in with a bicep curl

    - Set your right foot onto the carriage and drag your heel back against the back carriage strap

    - Move down and forward with the carriage holding a lunge with your hands by your sides and back

    Super Lunge Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you continuously push your heels down as you drag the carriage in towards the back platform (using the blue cables to bicep curl to assist your upwards if needed)

    - Breathe in through your nose as you move down and forward with the carriage holding a lunge with your hands by your sides and back

    Important Notes:

    - To get lower in the lunge position you can hold the blue straps with your pointing finger and/or place your non-target leg’s toes down further back on the back platform

    - Do not just drag your heel back with a bicep curl. Ensure you continuously push down as your draw back with the heel

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Super Reverse Floor Lunge
    • 3/6/23

    Super Reverse Floor Lunge

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (challenging)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Super Reverse Floor Lunge Setup:

    - Start by standing on the left side of the Xformer at the back facing the back

    - Turn the black handlebar in front of you up and to the left and then pull the carriage in with your right hand and tuck your right toes/foot behind the front carriage strap

    - Move your left foot forward close/under the black handlebar you turned out and then lower down into a lunge keeping your knees stacked over your ankle

    Super Reverse Floor Lunge Execution:

    - Exhaling through your lips, begin pressing down through your left heel to come up 95% so you don’t lock out your knees

    - Breathe in through your nose as you lower your body downwards until your left leg is at a 90 degree angle


    - If your knees are passing your toes as you lunge downward, sit down and back to lunge or move your left foot forward by one step

    Important Notes:

    - Keep your gaze forward

    - Chest is tall and proud

    Click here for >>> Xformer Anatomy

  • Super Reverse Hamstring Curl
    • 3/6/23

    Super Reverse Hamstring Curl

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (challenging)

    Super Reverse Hamstring Curl Setup:

    - Starting by sitting on the back of the carriage facing the back, pull the carriage forward to the back platform to tuck both heels against the front of the back platform strap

    - Keeping the carriage in towards the back platform, lay down on your back and hold onto the back edge of the carriage

    - Make sure your feet and legs are shoulder width apart and then lift your hips up to a bridge position (do not hyperextend your back)

    Super Reverse Hamstring Curl Execution:

    - Breathe in through your nose as you let the carriage take your body and carriage back as far as you can keeping your feet planted the whole time

    - Exhale through your lips as you press down your feet and heels against the back platform strap to pull you and the carriage forward until your knees are above your ankles

    Important Notes:

    - Do not go back so far that you cannot pull yourself back in

    - Relax your neck and your head during the exercise

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Super Reverse Single Leg Panther
    • 3/6/23

    Super Reverse Single Leg Panther

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (challenging)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Super Reverse Single Leg Panther Setup:

    - Starting at the back of the Xformer facing the back, hold the sides of the back platform with your thumbs on top and fingers underneath

    - Then, place your toes behind the back carriage strap with your legs and feet together

    - Send the carriage back getting into a push-up position and bring your right knee under your stomach

    - Slightly lift your hips to table top and slightly bend your elbows

    Super Reverse Single Leg Panther Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you start to slowly bend your left knee forward until it’s under your hip while bringing your right leg back and straight to bring the carriage inwards towards the back platform

    - Breathe in through your nose as you straighten the left leg while bringing the right knee forward under your stomach

    Important Notes:

    - Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared never learning into one side.

    - Keep your hips in table top position (in line with your shoulders)

    - Your arms remain straight with a slight bend in your elbow the whole time.

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Super Single Leg Panther
    • 2/13/23

    Super Single Leg Panther

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (challenging)

    (The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

    Super Single Leg Panther Setup:

    - Starting at the back of the Xformer, pull the carriage in and hold the sides of the carriage where there is a cutout with your thumbs on top and four fingers on the side and underneath

    - Place your toes on the back platform with your feet and legs together holding a push-up position

    - Lift your hips to table top and slightly bend your elbows

    - Bring your right knee forward underneath your stomach and hold

    Super Single Leg Panther Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you bend the left knee underneath your left hip while sending your right leg straight back leading with your toes. The carriage will move back with you as you execute.

    - Breathe in through your nose straighten your left leg and bring your right knee forward underneath your stomach. The carriage will move forward with you as you execute.

    Important Notes:

    - Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared never learning into one side.

    - Keep your hips in table top position (in line with your shoulders)

    - Your arms remain straight with a slight bend in your elbow the whole time.

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Super Standing Inner Thigh
    • 3/6/23

    Super Standing Inner Thigh

    Spring Load:

    - 0 white springs (challenging)

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (modification)

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

    Squatting Inner Thighs Setup:

    - Standing on top of the back platform facing the right of the studio, pick up the blue cable located under the black handlebar to hold it with two hands

    - Pull the carriage in with the blue cable and place your left foot on the outside left of the back carriage strap and the right foot on the outside right of the back platform strap

    - Have a soft bend in your knees and lower your hands and arms in front of you to allow the carriage to go outwards to the left and hold

    Squatting Inner Thighs Execution:

    - Exhale through your lips as you press your heels down and squeeze your inner thighs to bring the carriage in towards the front platform (using the blue cables to help move the carriage if needed)

    - Breathe in through your nose as you lower your hands and arms in front of you to allow the carriage to go outwards to the left and hold

    Important Notes:

    - Do not go out so far that you cannot come back in

    - Keep your hips and shoulders squared, gaze forward

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)

  • Super Squat
    • 3/6/23

    Super Squat

    Spring Load:

    - 1 white spring (standard)

    - 2 white springs (challenging)

    (The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

    Super Squat Setup:

    - Starting by standing at the back platform facing the right of the studio, pick up the blue cable underneath the black handlebar in front of you holding it with both hands to pull the carriage in

    - Set your left foot onto the carriage to the left of the back carriage strap and your right foot to the right of the back platform chase

    - Bring your hands and arms down holding the blue cable with both hands to allow the carriage to move out shoulder width apart


    Super Squat Execution:

    - With a soft bend in your knees, exhale through your lips as you continuously push your heels down as you squeeze your inner thighs to bring the carriage in towards the back platform (pulling the blue cable up to assist the movement)

    - Breathe in through your nose as you bring your hands and arms down to allow the carriage to move out shoulder width apart

    Important Notes:

    - Do not lock out your knees

    - Do not go out so far that you have trouble coming back in

    Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)