Standing Outer Thighs

Spring Load:

- 5 white springs (light)

- 1 grey spring (light-medium)

- 1 grey and 1 white spring (medium)

- 1 black spring (medium-heavy

- 1 black and 1 white spring (heavy)

(The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

Standing Outer Thigh Setup:

- With your left foot underneath the platform strap and your right foot underneath the carriage strap, slightly turn your toes outward with a slight bend in your knees and push the carriage out shoulder width apart to hold

Standing Outer Thigh Execution:

- Exhale through your lips as you begin pushing the carriage out with your left and right foot at the same time against the front platform and carriage strap like your attempting a split

- You'll hinge from your hips forward as you push the carriage outwards

- Breathe in through your nose as you bring the carriage in towards the front platform hinging upwards from the hip

Important Notes:

- Do not bring the carriage in so close to the front platform that you lose tension

- Using airplane hands may help you go out further and lower

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Standing Inner Thighs


Sumo Squats