Sumo Squats

Spring Load:

- 0 white springs (challenging)

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white springs (modification)

(The below is if the target oblique was the LEFT oblique)

Sumo Squats Setup:

- Starting at the front of the Xformer facing the right of the studio, place your left foot under the front platform strap and place your right foot under the front carriage strap

- Then, slightly turn your toes outward and push the carriage out until your knees are shoulder width apart or further

- Sit down and back until your thighs are flat like the floor

Sumo Squats Execution:

- Exhale through your lips as you push through both of your heels to come up 95% so that you do not lock your knees (keeping the carriage from moving)

- Breathe in through your nose as you sit down and back until your thighs are flat like the floor

Important Notes:

- If you need a little help, push the bottom knee down and in as you lift your left oblique

- Keep your whole forearm down on the platform never dumping weight into your elbow

- Follow your hand that lowers under your left oblique with your eyes and your head

Click here for >>> Xformer Anatomy


Standing Outer Thighs


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