Standing Inner Thighs

Spring Load:

- 0 white springs (challenging)

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white springs (modification)

(The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

Squatting Inner Thighs Setup:

- Standing on top of the Xformer facing the right of the studio, place your left foot on the front platform and right foot on the carriage

- Have a soft bend in your knees and push the carriage out shoulder width part and hold

Squatting Inner Thighs Execution:

- Breathe in through your nose as you start to separate the legs and knees apart evenly as far as you can moving the carriage outwards

- Exhale through your lips as you press your heels down and squeeze your inner thighs to bring the carriage in towards the front platform

Important Notes:

- Do not go out so far that you cannot come back in

- Keep your hips and shoulders squared

- Use airplane hands or goal post hands to help you stay stable if needed

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Kneeling Inner Thighs


Reverse Seal and Reverse Flying Seal