Seated Crunch

Spring Load:

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white springs (challenging)

Seated Crunch Setup:

- Starting at the back of the Xformer facing the front, pull the carriage in and tuck your feet under the back carriage strap

- Place your hands/fingers on the side of your temples and lean back half way with your knees bent in half way towards your body

Seated Crunch Execution:

- Breathe in through your nose as you begin lowering your upper body back while extending your legs forward

- Exhale through your lips as you crunch forward by lifting your upper body forward half way up (lifting from your chest) while bending both knees inward towards your body

Important Notes:

- Do not tuck your chin into your chest or strain your neck to crunch upwards

- Keep your gave up and diagonal to keep your neck in line with your spine

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Reverse Seated Crunch


Super Boomerang