Super Hamstring Curl

Spring Load:

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white springs (challenging)

Super Hamstring Curl Setup:

- Starting by sitting at the back platform facing the front, pull the carriage in and tuck your heels against the front the back carriage strap keeping your feet flat down

- Scoot forward and down to set your head and shoulders onto the back platform holding each black handlebar with each hand

- Lift your hips up to a bridge position

Super Hamstring Curl Execution:

- Keeping your hips raised in bridge position, breathe in through your nose extend your legs forward while keeping your feet down onto the carriage

- Keeping your hips raised in bridge position, exhale through your lips as you push down your heels against the back carriage strap and use your hamstrings to pull the carriage into the starting position

Important Notes:

- Keep a soft bend in your elbows

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Sumo Squats


Super Kneeling Inner Thighs