Super Nighthawk

Spring Load:

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white springs (challenging)

(The below is if the target oblique was the RIGHT oblique)

Super Nighthawk Setup:

- Starting at the back of the Xformer facing the front, pull the carriage in

- Stack your knees on the back platform with your feet hanging off the right side and face the left of the studio with your right forearm down in front of the back carriage strap (left hand up towards the ceiling)

- Allow the carriage to move out getting into a side plank position looking up at your left hand

Super Nighthawk Execution:

- Exhale through your lips as you bring your left hand underneath your right oblique while lifting your right oblique bringing the carriage in

- Breathe in through your nose as you withdraw your arms from underneath your right oblique bringing it back up to face the ceiling, lowering your right oblique, and letting the carriage back out.

Important Notes:

- If you need a little help, push the bottom knee down and in as you lift your right oblique

- Keep your whole forearm down on the carriage never dumping weight into your elbow

- Follow your hand that lowers under your right oblique with your eyes and your head

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Super Kneeling Twisted Saw


Super Reverse Nighthawk