Floor Lunge

Spring Load:

- 1 white springs (light)

(The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

Floor Lunge Setup:

- Start by standing on the right side of the Xformer

- The right foot is on the floor and left foot is anchored in front of the back carriage strap

- With your hands on your hip, behind your back, or in prayer position, begin lowering your body into a lunge position

- Your right knee should be stacked right over the ankle at a 90 degree angle

- Your left leg should be straight with your toes down and heels raised

Floor Lunge Execution:

- Exhaling through your lips, begin pressing down through your right heel to come up 95% so you don’t lock out your knees

- Breathe in through your nose as you lower your body downwards until your right leg is at a 90 degree angle


- You can turn the handle bar in front of you up and out to the side so that it’s right in front of you as support with your hands or fingertips

Important Notes:

- Keep your gaze forward

- Chest is tall and proud

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Ab Wheel and Flying Ab Wheel


Platform Lunge