Laying Leg Press

Spring Load:

- 5 white springs (light)

- 1 grey spring (light-medium)

- 1 grey and 1 white spring (medium)

- 1 black spring (medium-heavy

- 1 black and 1 white spring (heavy)

(The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

Laying Leg Press Setup:

- On the carriage facing towards the front of the Xformer, turn the right black handlebar up and out to the right

- Lay close to the edge on the carriage on your right side and scoot your butt down to the front of the carriage

- Set your head on your bent right arm, hold the edge of the carriage with your left hand, and place your heel on the curvature of the black handlebar you turned out with your feet in line with the handlebar

- Your bottom right leg is straight and stays hovered above the carriage and front platform as you execute the move

Laying Leg Press Execution:

- Exhale through your lips as you begin pushing the carriage out with your left heel against the black handlebars. Only push out 95% so that you do not lock out your knee and lose tension

- Breathe in through your nose as you bend your left knee to bring the carriage in towards the front platform until your left knee is in line with your hip

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Kneeling Inner Thighs


Platform Lunge