Bungee Kick and Bungee Hamstring Curl

Spring Load:

- 1 white spring and 1 grey or black spring (this is to keep the carriage from moving)

(The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

Bungee Kick Setup:

- Start by placing the bungee through your left foot bringing it close to the heel

- Then, crawl onto the carriage kneeling at the first white line

- Come down onto your forearms with your palms facing down and making sure that your hips and shoulders are squared

- Push down through your forearms to lift your face and chest away from the carriage

- Then, lift your left leg upwards until it's at a 90 degree angle (your thigh is parallel to the floor) with your foot flat like the floor or ceiling

Bungee Kick Execution:

- Exhale through your lips as you begin to lift your left foot upwards slowly as high as you can (as if you were stamping the ceiling with your foot) without shifting your hips and shoulders

- Then, breathe in through your nose as begin to lower your left leg slowly until your thigh is parallel to the floor at a 90 degree angle

Bungee Hamstring Curl Setup:

- In a Bungee Kick setup, lift your target leg's foot as high as you can and hold

Bungee Hamstring Curl Execution:

- Holding as high as you can so that there is tension, breathe in through your nose as you begin extending your leg outwards until the leg is straight

- Then, exhale through your lips as you bring your heel (the back of your foot) towards your butt (keeping the target leg as high as you can the entire time you're moving to keep tension)

Important Notes:

- Do not tuck your chin into your chest

- Do not arch your back by engaging your core (bringing your bellow button to your spin, tightening your stomach, flexing your abs, knitting your ribs together)

- Keep your hips and shoulders squared (not allowing weight to transfer to one side more than the other)

- Do not allow your thigh to go too low because you will lose tension

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Platform Lunge