Super Reverse Floor Lunge

Spring Load:

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white springs (challenging)

(The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

Super Reverse Floor Lunge Setup:

- Start by standing on the left side of the Xformer at the back facing the back

- Turn the black handlebar in front of you up and to the left and then pull the carriage in with your right hand and tuck your right toes/foot behind the front carriage strap

- Move your left foot forward close/under the black handlebar you turned out and then lower down into a lunge keeping your knees stacked over your ankle

Super Reverse Floor Lunge Execution:

- Exhaling through your lips, begin pressing down through your left heel to come up 95% so you don’t lock out your knees

- Breathe in through your nose as you lower your body downwards until your left leg is at a 90 degree angle


- If your knees are passing your toes as you lunge downward, sit down and back to lunge or move your left foot forward by one step

Important Notes:

- Keep your gaze forward

- Chest is tall and proud

Click here for >>> Xformer Anatomy


Super Lunge


Super Reverse Hamstring Curl