Sprinter's Lunge

Spring Load:

- 5 white springs (light)

- 1 grey spring (medium)

- 1 black spring (heavy)

- 1 grey or black with 1 white (heavier)

(The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)


- The right leg is on the front platform with your foot underneath the platform strap

- The left foot is anchored against the front carriage strap or the front of the carriage

- Place your fingers or hands on each black handle bar and begin lowering your body into a lunge position

- Your right knee should be stacked right over the ankle at a 90 degree angle

- Your left leg should be straight with your toes down and heels raised


- Breathe in through your nose as you begin bending the left knee until it's underneath the left hip

- Exhale through your lips as you use your left foot to push the carriage back about 95% so that you do not lock out your knees

Important Notes:

- Keep your gaze forward

- Chest is tall and proud

- If you're unable to move slowly, that is an indication that the spring load may be to heavy

Anatomy of the Xformer Pilates machine: (link)




Squating Inner Thigh