Super Lunge

Spring Load:

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white springs (challenging)

(The below is if the target leg was the RIGHT leg)

Super Lunge Setup:

- Starting by standing at the back platform facing the front, pick up both blue cables located underneath the black handlebars

- Make sure the blue cables are on the outside of the black handlebars and pull the carriage in with a bicep curl

- Set your right foot onto the carriage and drag your heel back against the back carriage strap

- Move down and forward with the carriage holding a lunge with your hands by your sides and back

Super Lunge Execution:

- Exhale through your lips as you continuously push your heels down as you drag the carriage in towards the back platform (using the blue cables to bicep curl to assist your upwards if needed)

- Breathe in through your nose as you move down and forward with the carriage holding a lunge with your hands by your sides and back

Important Notes:

- To get lower in the lunge position you can hold the blue straps with your pointing finger and/or place your non-target leg’s toes down further back on the back platform

- Do not just drag your heel back with a bicep curl. Ensure you continuously push down as your draw back with the heel

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Back Lunge


Kneeling Inner Thighs