Reverse Panther

Spring Load:

- 0 white springs (challenging)

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white springs (modification)

Hi Panther Setup:

- Starting with your hands holding the side of the carriage (thumbs on top and four fingers on the side and underneath), position your toes on the front platform with your legs and feet together and push the carriage out into a push-up position

- Starting in a push-up position, have a slight bend in your elbows, slightly lift your hips to table top, and engage your core by flexing or tightening your stomach, knitting your ribs together, or bringing your belly button to your spine

Hi Panther Execution:

- Breathe in through your nose as you begin to bend your knees under your hips (keeping your hips in line with your shoulders)

- Exhale through your lips as you straighten your legs to push the carriage forward (never allowing the hips to drop lower than the shoulders)

Important Notes:

- Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

- Keep your hips in line with your shoulders (never letting them be higher or lower than shoulders)

- Your arms remain straight with a slight bend in your elbow the whole time.

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Reverse Flying Ab Wheel


Reverse Saw and Reverse Flying Saw