Super Plank to Pike

Spring Load:

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white springs (challenging)

Super Plank to Pike Setup:

- Start at the back of the Xformer and pull the carriage in. Hold the side of the carriage where the cut outs are with your thumbs on top and four fingers on the sides underneath

- Place your toes on the back platform with your legs and feet together getting into a push-up position

- Slightly raise your hips to table top position and engage your core by flexing or tightening your abs, knitting your ribs together, or pulling your belly button to your spine.

Super Plank to Pike Execution:

- Starting in a push-up position, exhale through your lips as you begin to lift from your belly button or hips until you're 90% upwards (looking at your toes as you rise to keep your neck in line with your spine)

- Breathing in through your nose, begin to lower your belly button or hips down into a push-up position (looking at your carriage as you lower to keep your neck in line with your spine)

Important Notes:

- Do not pike up 100% because you will lose tension and turn the exercise into a stretch like your reaching over to touch your toes

- Do not think about your hands or your toes. Think about raising your belly button upwards as if there was a fire underneath your stomach and you're lifting upwards to avoid the tip of the flame from burning you.

- Maintain a slight bend in your elbows so that the weight goes into your triceps rather than you elbows and wrists

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Super Reverse Plank to Pike


Super Single Leg Panther