Platform Strap Crunch

Spring Load:

- 1 white spring (standard)

Carriage Crunch Setup:

- Sitting on the first white line of the carriage, tuck your feet underneath the platform strap

- Start with your hands to the side of your temples and knees bent

Carriage Crunch Execution:

- Breathe in through your nose as you begin to lower your back down to the carriage while straightening your legs to send the carriage back

- Exhale through your lips as you come up and forward with your chest while bending your knees to bring the carriage forward

Important Notes:

- Do not lift and strain your neck. Lift from you chest upwards.

- Other hand positions: hands crossed against the chest or arms up and diagonal like your reaching upwards

- If you have any back irritation, take a break and start again when you're ready

- Do not touch the carriage and platform together when coming forward

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Plank to Pike


Puppy Dog Crunch