Super Reverse Flying Twisted Saw

Spring Load:

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white spring (challenging)

(The below is if the target oblique was the LEFT oblique)

Super Reverse Flying Twisted Saw Setup:

- Starting at the back of the Xformer facing the back, pull the carriage in, place your left foot over your right onto the carriage with your toes facing the left of the studio, and tuck your elbows in front of the back platform strap with your palms up

- Allow the carriage to move outwards and hold in a plank position with your legs twisted and feet in line

- Slightly lift your hips and engage your core by flexing or tightening your stomach, knitting your ribs together, or bringing your belly button to your spine

Super Reverse Flying Twisted Saw Execution:

- Breathe in through your nose as you lengthen your arms allowing the carriage to move back

- Exhale through your lips as you slowly bend your elbows against the back platform strap to bring the carriage forward until your shoulders are over your elbows

Important Notes:

- Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

- Keep your hips slightly lifted and core engaged (flex or tighten your stomach, knit your ribs together, or bring your belly button to your spine)

- Do not allow your back to arch as you move the carriage forward

- Do not bring your shoulders in past your wrist or you will lose tension

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Super Flying Ab Wheel


Super Ab Wheel