Super Reverse Hamstring Curl

Spring Load:

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white springs (challenging)

Super Reverse Hamstring Curl Setup:

- Starting by sitting on the back of the carriage facing the back, pull the carriage forward to the back platform to tuck both heels against the front of the back platform strap

- Keeping the carriage in towards the back platform, lay down on your back and hold onto the back edge of the carriage

- Make sure your feet and legs are shoulder width apart and then lift your hips up to a bridge position (do not hyperextend your back)

Super Reverse Hamstring Curl Execution:

- Breathe in through your nose as you let the carriage take your body and carriage back as far as you can keeping your feet planted the whole time

- Exhale through your lips as you press down your feet and heels against the back platform strap to pull you and the carriage forward until your knees are above your ankles

Important Notes:

- Do not go back so far that you cannot pull yourself back in

- Relax your neck and your head during the exercise

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Super Reverse Floor Lunge


Straight Arm Crunch