Super Reverse Flying Seal

Spring Load:

- 1 white spring (standard)

- 2 white springs (challenging)

Modification: Come up onto each hand one at a time and go down onto each forearm one at a time

Super Reverse Flying Seal Setup:

- Starting at the back of the Xformer facing the back, place your toes behind the back carriage strap and come down onto your forearms on the back platform

- Allow the carriage to move back getting into a push-up position

- Slightly lift your hips to table top and engage your core by flexing or tightening your stomach, knitting your ribs together, or bringing you bellow button to your spine

Super Reverse Flying Seal Execution:

- Exhale through your lips as you push through both your palms down onto the back platform to bring your upper body up until your 95% upwards to prevent locking out your elbows.

- Breathe in through your nose as you begin to bend your elbows to lower your forearms down onto the back platform

Important Notes:

- Do not tuck your chin into your chest. Look down or down and slightly forward

- Keep your core engage by flexing or tightening your stomach, knitting your ribs together, or bringing you bellow button to your spine

- Do not lock out your elbows when coming up

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Super Reverse Ab Wheel and Super Reverse Flying Ab Wheel


Super Reverse Hi Panther