Reverse Angel

Spring Load:

- 2 to 3 white springs (standard)

- 1 gray or 1 black spring (challenging)

- Extra Challenge: cross your cables to make it heavier

Reverse Angel Setup:

- Starting by sitting on the back of the carriage facing the back, pick up both black cables located on the side back of the carriage and sit back on the 2nd white line of the carriage

- Set both feet down onto the carriage to then lean back half way

- Lift both legs up to table top with your toes pointed forward with each hand by the outside of your knees

Reverse Angel Execution:

- Keeping your upper body half way back, exhale through your lips as you pull the cables outward as you extend your legs forward

- Breathe in through your nose as you bring both hands back to the outside of your knees while bending the knees in to their original table top position

Important Notes:

- Keep your core engage by tightening/flexing your abs, bringing your belly button to your spine, or knitting your ribs together

- Do not tuck your chin into your chest

- Look up and diagonal to keep your neck in line with your spine

Anatomy of the Xformer: (link)


Blue Cable Floor Squats w/ bicep curls