Handle Bar Single Leg Hamstring Curl (in a bridge position)

Spring Load:

- 0 white spring (really challenging)

- 1 white spring (challenging)

- 2 white springs (standard)

- 3 white springs (modification)

Further modification: use both of your feet on the black handlebars

(The below is if the target leg was the LEFT leg)

Handle Bar Single Leg Hamstring Curl Setup:

- Starting by sitting on the front end of the carriage facing the front, turn the black handlebars inward to face one another, bring your legs over the handlebars, scoot your butt forward, and then lay down holding the front edge of the carriage or the front carriage strap

- Set the arch/heel of both feet onto each black handlebars and lift your hips upwards into a bridge position

- Then, lift your right leg up towards the sky with your feet flat like the ceiling or toes pointing up

Handle Bar Single Leg Hamstring Curl Execution:

- Staying in a bridge position, exhale through your lips as you push the arch/heel of your left foot against the bar to move back 95% so that you do not lock your knees

- Breathe in through your nose as you bend the left knee to bring the carriage forward about 90% inwards to not lose tension.

Important Notes:

- Relax your head and neck throughout the exercise

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