Beginner Friendly Routine

(2 white springs instead of 1 white spring to modify for any exercises at the front of the machine)

Beginner Friendly Routine 01

Top 3 to inform the class before starting:

  • 2 white springs at the front of the machine will be your modification

  • There are stabilization poles if you ever need to use them

  • Long black strap: the long black strap is lighter and the short hard handle is heavier

Abs [10 min] 

  • Reverse Seated Crunch

  • Reverse Ab Wheel (up onto toes for challenge takers)

  • Reverse Saw (up onto toes for challenge takers)

  • Reverse Plank to Pike

  • Super Reverse Kneeling Crunch

Legs  [8 min x 2 = 16 min] - Legs back to back

  • Platform Lunge

  • Single Leg Squat

  • Standing Inner Thighs or Carriage Lunge

  • Light Squats (watch out for knees collapsing inward)

Oblique [8 min]

  • Side Kneeling Crunch (left oblique)

  • Mermaid Crunch or Bow + Arrow (left oblique)

  • Mermaid Crunch or Bow + Arrow (right oblique)

  • Side Kneeling Crunch (right oblique)

Upper Body [6 min]

(2-3 white springs)

  • Serve the Platter

  • Shoulder Press

  • Tricep Extension

  • 1-minute Plank Freestyle


Beginner Friendly Routine 02

Top 3 to inform the class before starting:

  • 2 white springs at the front of the machine will be your modification

  • There are stabilization poles if you ever need to use them

  • Long black strap: the long black strap is lighter and the short hard handle is heavier

Abs [10 min] 

  • Reverse Ab Wheel (on toes to make it harder)

  • Reverse Saw (on toes to make it harder)

  • Reverse Panther

  • Reverse Forearm Plank to Pike (option to stay on hands, but explain excessive wrist strain)

  • Super Reverse Kneeling Crunch

Legs  [10 min]

  • Well Lunge

  • Super Kneeling Inner Thighs

  • Platform Lunge

  • Single Leg Squat

  • Light Squats

Oblique [8 min] - obliques back to back

  • Side Kneeling Crunch or super reverse saw (left oblique)

  • Mermaid Crunch or Bow + Arrow (left oblique)

  • Mermaid Crunch or Bow + Arrow (right oblique)

  • Side Kneeling Crunch or super reverse saw (right oblique)

Legs  [10 min]

  • Well Lunge

  • Super Kneeling Inner Thighs

  • Platform Lunge

  • Single Leg Squat

  • Light Squats

Upper Body [6 min]

(2-3 white springs)

  • Serve the Party Platter

  • Shoulder Press

  • Bicep curls

  • 1-minute Plank Freestyle


Beginner Friendly Routine 03

Top 3 to inform the class before starting:

  • 2 white springs at the front of the machine will be your modification

  • There are stabilization poles if you ever need to use them

  • Side Plank - rest or hold if the shoulders start to be irritable

Abs [10 min] 

  • Ab Wheel

  • Saw

  • Plank to Pike

  • Hi Panther (handle bars turned towards the front)

  • Super Reverse Kneeling Crunch

Legs  [9 min x 2 = 18 min] - Legs back to back

  • 1 min - Single Kneeling Leg Saw (use back straps for assistance)

  • Well Lunge

  • Single Leg Squat

  • Platform Lunge

  • Standing Inner Thighs or Carriage Lunge or Light Squats

Oblique [8 min]

  • 1-minute Reverse Side Plank, then 1 minute Reverse Nighthawk (thread the needle to modify) (left oblique)

  • Reverse Twisted Saw (left oblique)

  • 1-minute Reverse Side Plank, then 1 minute Reverse Nighthawk (thread the needle to modify) (right oblique)

  • Reverse Twisted Saw (left oblique)

Upper Body [6 min]

(2-3 white springs)

(handle bars at the back of the machine turned inwards to face one another)

  • Handle bar Lat Push Down

  • Lat Pull

  • Bicep Curl Pull

  • 1-minute Plank Freestyle


Beginner Friendly Routine 04

Top 3 to inform the class before starting:

  • 2 white springs at the front of the machine will be your modification

  • For heavy leg exercises: 5 white springs is light, 1 black spring is medium, and 1 black spring + whites is heavy

  • If you experience lower back irritation please take a break

Abs [10 min]

(Start the ab series on 2 white springs and offer 1 white spring for experience or stronger clients)

  • Forearm Plank to Pike

  • Panther

  • Saw

  • Ab Wheel

  • Super Reverse Kneeling Crunch or Hi Panther

Legs  [10 min x 2 = 20 min] - Legs back to back

(5 white springs, 1 black spring, or 1 black spring + whites)

  • Standing Outer Thighs

  • Heavy Squats

  • Sprinter’s Lunge

    (spring change: 1 white spring) (modification: 2 white springs)

  • Single Leg Squat

  • Platform Lunge

Oblique [8 min] (pending!!!)

  • 1-minute Reverse Side Plank, then 1 minute Reverse Nighthawk (thread the needle to modify) (left oblique)

  • Reverse Twisted Saw (left oblique)

  • 1-minute Reverse Side Plank, then 1 minute Reverse Nighthawk (thread the needle to modify) (right oblique)

  • Reverse Twisted Saw (left oblique)

Upper Body [6 min] (pending!!!)

(2-3 white springs)

(handle bars at the back of the machine turned inwards to face one another)

  • Handle bar Lat Push Down

  • Lat Pull

  • Bicep Curl Pull

  • 1-minute Plank Freestyle


Beginner Friendly Routine 05 (pending!!!!)

Top 3 to inform the class before starting:

  • 2 white springs at the front of the machine will be your modification

  • For heavy leg exercises: 5 white springs is light, 1 black spring is medium, and 1 black spring + whites is heavy

  • If you experience lower back irritation please take a break

Abs [10 min]

(Start the ab series on 2 white springs and offer 1 white spring for experience or stronger clients)

  • F

Legs  [10 min x 2 = 20 min] - Legs back to back

(5 white springs, 1 black spring, or 1 black spring + whites)

  • Standing Outer Thighs

  • Heavy Squats

  • Sprinter’s Lunge

  • Side Kick or Bungee

  • Donkey Kick or Black Widow

Oblique [8 min]

  • 1

Upper Body [6 min]

(2-3 white springs)

(handle bars at the back of the machine turned inwards to face one another)

  • H

  • 1-minute Plank Freestyle
