Pregnancy Friendly Routines

(2 white springs instead of 1 white spring for those who are pregnant)

Exercise Guidelines for each Trimester

First Trimester

  • Most exercises are fine to perform during this trimester, however, the mother should be mindful of taking breaks to not overexert the body

  • Neutral spine exercises are the best option

  • Keep range of motion small to moderate

  • Do not hold stretches and breath

  • Minimize stretching the hamstring and inner thighs (adductor) 

Second Trimester (13 - 26 weeks)

Third Trimester (27 - 40 weeks)

  • No twisting or crunching (“torso twist should okay” and performed at the discretion of the mother) [have ready another exercise to substitute]

  • Squatting exercises are a good exercise to prepare the pelvis for delivery

  • No lifting of over 15 pounds

  • Avoid laying on the back because it will decrease the supply of oxygen to the baby

  • Do not allow the heart rate to pass 140 bpm

  • It is recommended to utilize the stabilization pole

  • 2 white springs for 1 spring exercises is recommended (performing exercises on 1 white spring is at the discretion of the mother)

  • 5 white springs or 1 black spring is recommended rather than going too heavy (spring choice is at the discretion of the mother)

  • Pelvic stability changes the most during week 20-27

  • Take time when transitioning from exercise to exercise


Anatomic and Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy:

  • Lungs and Respiration

    • Changes in rib cage placement elevates the diaphragm

    • The respiratory rate / oxygen intake increases to supply both mother and baby

    • Endurance and energy can lower due to the body working harder to supply adequate

  • Joints

    • The stability of joints and the action of muscles change 

    • The ligaments and cartilage soften and relax causing less stability in joints which can lead to an increase in injury

    • The ligaments of the lower back and sacral area (S1 - S5) are greatly affected

  • Incontinence (the lack of voluntary control over urination and/or elimination)

    • The weight of the baby over time will increase pressure or stress on the bladder. 

    •  Strengthening the pelvic floor can reduce this risk

  • Body Temperature

    • An increase in blood flow to the baby can increase core body temperature, which may cause feelings of dizziness and feeling light-headed

  • Balance and Postural Changes

    • The hip flexors will get short, sore, and tight from the weight of the stomach shifting the pelvis forward

    • The center of gravity transfers upward and forward because of the weight increase of the front body

    • The following can occur:

      • Lumbar Lordosis

        • An excessive arch in the lumbar portion of the back / spine

      • Thoracic Kyphosis

        • An increased roundness of the upper back

    • Balance will be more difficult to maintain during exercise


Pregnancy Induced Conditions

  • Diastasis Recti

    • This occurrence is in the later stages of pregnancy

    • An increase in stretch and hormonal changes will cause the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles at the linea alba

    • Avoid flexion, extension, and rotation

  • Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

    • Can be very painful

    • The separation of the symphysis pubis due to hormonal changes and joint laxity (joint in the front of the pelvis)

    • This is caused by hormonal change and joint laxity

    • Keep range of motion medium to small and limit exercises of the abductors (outer thigh) and adductors (inner thigh)


Pregnancy Friendly Routine 01

(2 white springs instead of 1 white spring for those who are pregnant)

Top 3 to inform the class before starting:

  • 2 white springs at the front of the machine will be your modification

  • There are stabilization poles if you ever need to use them

  • Long black strap: the long black strap is lighter and the short hard handle is heavier

Abs [10 min] 

(Challenge takers can attempt a Bird Dog in a Push-Up Position)

  • Reverse Bird Dog (warm up)

  • Reverse Bird Dog (warm up)

  • Reverse Ab Wheel (up onto toes for challenge takers)

  • Reverse Saw (up onto toes for challenge takers)

    • Reverse Panther

Legs  [10 min x 2 = 20 min] - Legs back to back

  • Well Lunge  /  Back floor lunge (harder)

  • Kneeling inner thigh at the front (zero springs or go slower for stronger clients)

  • Single leg squat

  • Platform lunge

  • Light Squats (watch out for knees collapsing inward)

Oblique + Upper Body [11 min]

  • Torso Twist

  • Serve the Platter

  • Shoulder Press

  • Tricep Extension

  • Arm Circles (arms out in front of you like you’re pushing someone away - circles up, out, down, up the center…then reverse)

[1 min total - 30 seconds one way, 30 seconds the other way]

  • Torso Twist

Pregnancy Friendly Routine 02 (pending!!!!)

(2 white springs instead of 1 white spring for those who are pregnant)

Top 3 to inform the class before starting:

  • 2 white springs at the front of the machine will be your modification

  • There are stabilization poles if you ever need to use them

  • Long black strap: the long black strap is lighter and the short hard handle is heavier

Abs [xx min] 

  • R

  • R

  • R

  • R

  • R

Legs  [xxmin x 2 = xx min] - Legs back to back

  • W

  • K

  • S

  • P

  • L

Oblique + Upper Body [xx min]

  • T

  • S

  • S

  • T

  • A

[1 min total - 30 seconds one way, 30 seconds the other way]

  • T

Pregnancy Friendly Routine 03 (pending!!!!)

(2 white springs instead of 1 white spring for those who are pregnant)

Top 3 to inform the class before starting:

  • 2 white springs at the front of the machine will be your modification

  • There are stabilization poles if you ever need to use them

  • Long black strap: the long black strap is lighter and the short hard handle is heavier

Abs [xx min] 

  • R

  • R

  • R

  • R

  • R

Legs  [xxmin x 2 = xx min] - Legs back to back

  • W

  • K

  • S

  • P

  • L

Oblique + Upper Body [xx min]

  • T

  • S

  • S

  • T

  • A

[1 min total - 30 seconds one way, 30 seconds the other way]

  • T