Intermediate Routine

(2 white springs instead of 1 white spring to modify for any exercises at the front of the machine)

Intermediate Routine 01

Top 3 to inform the class before starting:

  • That you’ll be turning in their back handlebars for the last part of class

  • Super Plank to Pike - modification is feet down into the well or go to the front, facing front

  • Long Black Strap - The long black strap is lighter and the short hard handle is heavier

  • Oblique Exercises - down to both the knees to modify

Abs [9 min] 

(2 white springs for the first exercise and then change to 1 white spring starting the second)

  • 1-Minute Boomerang w/ tricep dips at the end

  • Reverse Seated Crunch

  • Reverse Flying Ab Wheel or Reverse Flying Saw

  • Reverse Forearm Plank to Pike or Reverse Plank to Pike

  • Super Reverse Kneeling Crunch or High Panther

Legs  [10 min x 2 = 20 min] - Legs back to back

  • Well Lunge

  • Super Single Leg Squat

  • X Lunge

  • Light Squats

  • Standing Inner Thighs

Oblique & Upper Body [12 min] - obliques back to back

(spring change: 2-3 white springs)

  • Oblique Sweep (left oblique)

  • Bird Dog Lat Pull / Tricep Kickback (left oblique)

  • Serve the Platter

  • Shoulder Press

  • Oblique Sweep (left oblique)

  • Bird Dog Lat Pull / Tricep Kickback (left oblique)

  • Push-Up challenge or 1-Minute Plank Freestyle


Intermediate Routine 02

Top 3 to inform the class before starting:

  • That you’ll be turning in their back handlebars for the last part of class

  • Super Plank to Pike - modification is feet down into the well or go to the front, facing front

  • Floor Lunge - Explain where to anchor the non-target foot on the carriage (behind the back carriage strap or around it)

  • If the shoulders become irritably, take a break

Abs [10 min] 

(go to the front to modify if too difficult for the last 2 exercises “because we’re going there soon")

  • Super Seated Crunch

  • Super Flying Ab Wheel

  • Super Kneeling Crunch

  • Super Saw

  • Super Plank to Pike

Legs  [10 min x 2 = 20 min] - Legs back to back

  • Floor Lunge

  • Single Leg Squat

  • Carriage Lunge

    (spring change: 5 whites springs, 1 black spring, or 1 black spring + whites)

  • Bungee Kick (hold at highest point, down 1 or 2 inches, up 1 or 2 inches)

  • Heavy Skater or Donkey Kick

Oblique [6 min x 2 = 12 min] - obliques back to back

(spring change: 2-3 white springs)

  • Torso Twist

  • Oblique Sweep

  • Clamshell 2.0 or Clamshell 3.0

Upper Body [remainder of class]

  • Back Handle Bar Exercises at the back

  • Push-Up challenge or 1-Minute Plank Freestyle