Advanced Routine

(2 white springs instead of 1 white spring to modify for any exercises at the front of the machine)

Top 3 to inform the class before starting:

  • 2 white springs at the front of the machine will be your modification

  • There are stabilization poles if you ever need to use them

  • Long black strap: the long black strap is lighter and the short hard handle is heavier

Abs [10 min] 

  • Reverse Bird Dog (warm up)

  • Reverse Bird Dog (warm up)

  • Reverse Ab Wheel (up onto toes for challenge takers)

  • Reverse Saw (up onto toes for challenge takers)

  • Reverse Forearm Plank to Pike (full arm plank as an option versus on forearms)

Legs  [10 min x 2 = 20 min] - Legs back to back

  • Well Lunge  /  Back floor lunge (harder)

  • Kneeling inner thigh at the front (zero springs or go slower for stronger clients)

  • Single leg squat

  • Platform lunge

  • Light Squats (watch out for knees collapsing inward)

Oblique + Upper Body [11 min]

  • Torso Twist

  • Serve the Platter

  • Shoulder Press

  • Tricep Extension

  • Arm Circles (arms out in front of you like you’re pushing someone away - circles up, out, down, up the center…then reverse)

[1 min total - 30 seconds one way, 30 seconds the other way]

  • Torso Twist